Visiting a dentist may not be as time-consuming as a visit to a hospital. However, some patients may be unable to do this. We have dentists who can provide a few services to patients in the comfort of their homes.
Some of the equipment used by dentists are big, heavy and quite specialized. An example is the x-ray machine used by dentists. Such equipment cannot be brought to the homes of patients. However, many other tools that dentists use are portable. Examples include the mouth mirror, dental probes and tweezers.
Our dentists can provide some of the procedures that are part of a full dental checkup. Some of these procedures include:
History taking or Charting
As part of a dental checkup, our dentists usually ask questions. This is to build up a complete picture of the present condition of the patient. Details such as dental procedures done in the past will be needed. Any medication the patient is taking needs to be known. Some of these may have an impact on the organs in the mouth.
There are other details needed during a dental checkup. These include dietary and cleaning habits, any medical conditions and allergies.
All the details you provide are fully confidential.
Examining the mouth and the teeth
The dentist will also examine your mouth to look at what is going on there. The teeth as well as the spaces in between will be looked at. The base of the teeth and the gums are areas dentists pay special attention to.
In the teeth, the dentist will look for things like softening of the enamel and dentin. They will look for the presence of plaque and tartar. They will also look at the condition of the teeth. Chipping of the surface of the teeth or cracks are important to note. So too is any discolouration.
Other important areas during the examination are the gums and other parts of the mouth. They will look for gum swellings, mouth sores and any unusual redness.
The dentist may ask questions and take notes as this examination goes on.
Dental Examination Results and Prescriptions
At the end of the examination, the dentist will tell you about what s/he has found. They may prescribe medication and provide advice about dietary or lifestyle changes.
Sometimes their findings may be such that a deeper examination with more sophisticated tools is required. Depending on the condition of the patient, our dentist can arrange for this.
Ordinarily, people are advised to have a dental checkup at least once in six months. Some people may not need these many checkups in a year. Others may need even more.
Our services allow you to meet a basic minimum that can help prevent many mild conditions from becoming worse.
If you want to arrange dentist to visit you, call us, send us a message or click on the “Book now” button on this page or “Book a Service” button at the top of the page.