Doctor’s Visits (Primary Care)
Our doctors can visit you to treat you at home if you need their attention. In healthcare, this is also known as primary care.
How can you arrange for a visit or consultation from our doctors?
Arranging for our doctors to visit you are is like booking a hospital appointment. However, our system is more convenient.
If you feel ill, you can call us or send us a message. You can book a visit from our website by clicking the “Book a service” button. There is also a “Book Now” button next to “Doctors Visits” on our homepage.
We may call you back when we receive a message from you. This is to confirm that you have made a request. We also need a few details to prepare for the visit. Usually, the details needed are about the patient, their present condition and their symptoms. We also need timing and location details for the doctor to visit you.
After consulting with our doctors, we will offer you several options about when the doctor can visit you. All you need to do is choose a time that is convenient. We will take care of everything else concerning the doctor’s visit.
What happens during a doctor’s visit?
During the visit, our doctors will examine you and decide on the plan of treatment. They may recommend some medical tests. They may prescribe some medicines for you to take. There may be other medical procedures the doctor prescribes as part of your treatment. We keep notes of the doctor’s diagnosis and prescription.
What happens after the doctor’s visit?
Ordinarily, you will need treatment for a few days. But this depends on your illness. The doctor, nurse or other staff may visit you again.
Our team monitors your treatment according to your doctor’s instructions. This means we ensure that you receive all the medical procedures prescribed. We also ensure that you are taking all the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
We will speak to those living with you. This is to inform them about your condition. We also let them know about special needs you may have.
For example, you may need more sleep and rest than normal. You may need to do some exercises like walking, accompanied by someone. You may need changes in your diet.
We will try to ensure that you get the best environment to make full recovery. Our task is complete when you have recovered.
We maintain full records of all diagnosis, treatment, tests and procedures that are part of the treatment we give you.
How about if you need a specialist’s attention?
Sometimes, primary care may not be enough for your condition. Our doctors may refer you to another doctor, if you need a specialist’s attention.
We have several specialists that we can refer you to. These include surgeons, neurologists, gynaecologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists etc. We can also prepare referral notes to specialist doctors that you choose to see.
How about other medical services like physiotherapy, counselling etc?
Sometimes you need the attention a professional in allied medical sciences. We have physiotherapists, nutritionists, psychologists etc. Our doctors may refer you to them.
Our doctors and nurses are available from 7.00am to 7.00pm, every day of the week.
If you want to arrange a doctor to visit you, call us, send us a message or click on the “Book now” button on this page or “Book a Service” button at the top of the page.